As a state-based body, NSWCUSA oversees umpiring and scoring across New South Wales – there are 44 affiliated associations which oversee officiating in their area or in a particular competition, they are:
For contact details for each Association, please get in touch with the NSWCUSA Administrator, Bede Sajowitz.
ACT CA Umpires & Scorers Council
Associated Schools Of NSW
Athletic Association of the GPS
Bankstown District CUA
Blacktown City & District CUA
Camden District CUA
Canterbury & District CUA
Central Coast CUA
Church Cricket NSW UA
Clarence River District CUSA
Coffs Harbour & District CUSA
Cootamundra District CUA
Fairfield-Liverpool CUA
Far North Coast CUSA
Georges River St George District Cricket Umpires League
Gold Coast CUSA
Goulburn District CUA
Griffith District CUA
Hastings District CUA
Hawkesbury District CUA
Highlands District CUA
Hornsby Kuring-Gai & Hills District CUA
Hunter Valley CUA
Illawarra CUA
Inner West Harbour Umpires League
Macquarie Valley CUA
Maitland DCUA
Mid North Coast CUSA
Mitchell CUA
Murray Border CUA
Murray Valley CUA
Nepean District CUA
Newcastle City & Suburban CUA
Newcastle District CUA
North Coast CUSA
Northern Inland CUSA
Parramatta District CUA
Shoalhaven District CUA.
Sutherland Shire CUA
Sydney Shires CUA
Sydney Women’s CUA
Tamworth & District CUSA
Tweed District CUSA
Upper Hunter CUSA
Wagga Wagga CUA